NW Corporate Yoga offers mindful yoga classes to offices throughout the Seattle area.

Classes are designed to be accessible to all levels of “yogis” {a person who practices yoga}, inviting every employee to participate. We work hard to spread inclusion as one of our core values during class while encouraging employees to appreciate their unique bodies.

At the beginning  of each class, we empower employees to be able to make the choice to lay down the entire practice. We appreciate that it is not always in everyone’s best interest to move that day. We actively encourage employees to take breaks whenever feels right for them during the practice, in turn, creating a safe space for everyone to relax.

Setting up your Mindfulness Yoga Class

Classes typically run for 45 minutes during the lunch hour or just after work. We provide the opportunity for employees to exercise at work, saving them the time and stress from commuting to another location.

Payment is set up on a per company basis. Employee cost-sharing is sometimes available.

For more information, email us directly at nwcorporateyoga@gmail.com.


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